Massage for sports and training

Enhance performance and boost recovery

Are you an elite athlete? A gym goer? Maybe you just like to be fit and active? Perhaps you’re a dancer, an acrobat or a hula hooper? If you use your body intensely for a specific physical purpose and you have issues with certain muscle areas that crop up, sports massage could help. Regular massage therapy can help you train longer and get more out of your workout.

Massage can also help:

  • Enhance performance

  • Improve conditioning

  • Speed up recovery

  • Prevent injury

  • Maintain peak fitness

  • Provide pain relief

  • Break down scar tissue

  • Reduce cramps, muscles spasms and nerve irritation

  • Boost recovery from training and events

I’ve treated a diverse range of people in my clinic – bike riders, runners, boxers, police officers, fitness trainers and dancers.

As with all my other massage treatments, first I’ll assess the type of sport you play and the training you do. I’ll discuss with you the best range of techniques to use, and the muscle groups you’d like to focus on. Treatment could be a combination of methods like myofascial release, trigger pointing and myofascial cupping.

Myofascial cupping can be particularly useful for targeting small areas and injuries, especially on parts of the body like the legs and feet – areas that get a lot of wear and tear and are susceptible to problems like shin splints, plantar fasciitis or sesamoiditis.

Are there times when I should avoid massage?

After an event or competition you should wait for two to three days to have a massage – until the built up acid has gone.

Contact me to discuss scheduling massage with your training program or event.